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  • Colt Single Action Army Set .45 *"B" COVERAGE MASTER ENGRAVED-DENNIS KIES*
  • Need to sell your firearms?  Let Bryant Ridge Company do the work!
  • Colt Single Action Army Set .45 *"B" COVERAGE MASTER ENGRAVED-DENNIS KIES*
  • Colt Single Action Army Set .45 *"B" COVERAGE MASTER ENGRAVED-DENNIS KIES*
  • Colt Single Action Army Set .45 *"B" COVERAGE MASTER ENGRAVED-DENNIS KIES*
  • Colt Single Action Army Set .45 *"B" COVERAGE MASTER ENGRAVED-DENNIS KIES*




Item Description

Bryant Ridge Co. is pleased to present this COLLECTOR GRADE set of Colt Single Action Army revolvers for a penny-start auction! 
The history of this set of Single Action Army revolvers is as unique as the firearms themselves. According to the included factory Colt letters, the revolvers, with serial numbers SA73265 and SA73266, are chambered in .45 Long Colt and feature barrels measuring 4 ¾ inches and 5 ½ inches. They began their journey with a “white” finish and black composition rubber stocks. These revolvers were sold to Dennis Kies at Colt Firearms, located at 150 Huyshope Avenue in Hartford, CT, on February 6, 1990. In addition to the revolvers, each came with an extra set of one-piece smooth ivory stocks, which lacked medallions and were fitted by Dennis Kies. The term “white,” used to describe the finish, indicates that the revolvers were polished for engraving and shipped in an unfinished state for engraving outside the factory. Notably, at the time of purchase, Dennis Kies was employed by Colt Firearms as a Master Engraver.
Also included are signed letters from Dennis Kies to Horace Greeley describing the work performed on these guns.
The lineage of these Phenomenal Single Action Army set is Documented as follows:
Denis Kies Purchased/Ordered these revolvers from Colt to Engrave for Horace Greeley IV at Colt on November 20th 1989
Denis Kies took possession of the revolvers on February 6th, 1990
Both Mr. Kies and Mr. Greeley worked closely together to produce this unique set of revolvers.
Mr. Kies was finished with his work and described the firearms in a letter to Mr. Greeley on January 28, 1991.
Sometime between January 1991 and October 1996, these revolvers were sold to Don Wilkerson.
From October 1996 until Present, they have been in a private collection. 
Below the Description, all Documents pertaining to this set of revolvers will be transcribed for reference.


Manufacturer: Colt
Model: Single Action Army
Serial: SA73265
Date of Manufacture: 1990
Caliber: .45 Long Colt
Finish: Royal Blue
Barrel Length: 4 ¾"  
Optics/Sights: Integral Blade Front with Frame Notched Rear
Stock/Grips: One-Piece Scrimshawed Ivory Grips
Action: Single-Action Revolver
Markings: Standard / Master engraved with “B” coverage in American scroll with a unique Florentine background, one gold barrel band at the muzzle, a wide and a narrow gold barrel band at the breech, wide and narrow gold bands on the rear of the cylinder and the frame outline in gold. The butt of the revolver is covered by an engraved gold-plated butt cap. 
Manufacturer: Colt
Model: Single Action Army
Serial: SA73266
Date of Manufacture: 1990
Caliber: .45 Long Colt
Finish: Nickel with Fire Blue Screws
Barrel Length: 5 ½" 
Optics/Sights: Integral Blade Front with Frame Notched Rear
Stock/Grips: One-Piece Scrimshawed Ivory Grips
Action: Single-Action Revolver
Markings: Standard / Master engraved with “B” coverage in American scroll with a unique Florentine background. In place of the gold bands on the frame, barrel, and cylinder, the bands are line-cut. The butt of the revolver is covered with an engraved nickel-plated butt cap. 
Bryant Ridge's Analysis:
The Colt Single Action Army, also known as the Model P, Peacemaker, or SAA, is a single-action revolver with a cylinder that holds six metallic cartridges. It was designed by Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company for the U.S. government service revolver trials of 1873 and was adopted as the standard military service revolver until 1892. It has been widely copied and modified to replicate the original Colt SAA. The Third Generation of the Colt SAA began in 1976. It was characterized by a change in barrel thread pitch and replacing the removable/replaceable part with a solid cylinder bushing. This generation was produced as a limited-issue product with serial numbers ranging from SA80,000 to SA99,999 and ran until 1982. In 1994, production resumed due to the increase in popularity of "Cowboy Action Shooting." These models are known as either "Late Third Generation" or sometimes Fourth Generation, with the serial number convention changing yet again, starting with serial number S02001A and continuing to use the "S" prefix and "A" suffix as of 2022. Colt offers the Single Action Army in either an all-nickel or blued finish with a color case-hardened frame. It is available in three barrel lengths: 4¾", 5½", and 7½", and six chamberings: 32-20, 38-40, 44-40, .38 Special, 357 Magnum, or 45 Colt, totaling 36 variations.

These examples are in truly astonishing NEW OLD STOCK, UNFIRED, and UNTURNED condition! Additionally, they will be shipped with matching factory Colt letters, serial matching letters from Don Wilkerson, and a serial matching letter from Dennis A. Kies. You will also receive serial matching receipts and a wealth of other matching paperwork, as shown in the images above!
Colt Factory Letter addressed to Mr. Horace Greeley, IV on April 2nd, 1991:
Serial Numbers: SA73265 & SA73266
Caliber: .45 Long Colt
Barrel Length: 4 ¾ & 5 ½ 
Finish: White
Type of Stocks: Black Composition Rubber
Sold to: Dennis Kies, 
Address: Colt Firearms 150 Huyshape Avenue Hartford, CT 
Date of Shipment: February 6, 1990
Guns in Shipment: 1 pair
Remarks: In addition to the above, subject revolvers were each furnished with an extra pair of one-piece configuration smooth ivory stocks without medallions which were to be fitted by Dennis Kies.
The “White”  notation which appears as the finish designation indicates that the revolvers were polished for engraving and shipped in an unfinished state for the purpose of engraving outside of the factory.
It is of interest to note that at the time of purchase, Dennis Kies, was an employee of Colt Firearms serving in the capacity of Colt Master Engraver.
Kathleen J. Hoyt
Colt Industries memo dated February, 1 1990:
To: Jim Radavich
From: Edie Ocampo
Subject: Employee Sales- Dennis Kies
Please be advised that the following employee sales guns are ready and being forwarded to West Hartford Shipping. Please invoice. Thank you.
C.S. #: 3690 & 3690
Model #: P1840 & P1856
Qty: 1 & 1
Serial Number: SA73265 & SA73266 
Other: Consecutive serial numbers; both guns being shipped in the white; one-piece smooth ivory grips without medallions (to be fit at a later date)
Any Questions, please call.
Sale or Transfer of Pistol or Revolver:
Both cards are part of the invoice that gives information concerning the purchaser:
Packing List:
Model: P1840Z 
Quantity: 1
Description: SAA 45 4 ¾ 8--Gun&fet
Model: P1856Z
Quanity: 1
Description: 45C 5 ½ SA Army Nkl
Model: CSW5109
Quanity: 2
Description: Model P smooth ivory
Guns are for: Dennis Kies S/N P1840 SA73265: P1856 SA73266
**Guns have black eagle stocks fitted - Dennis will hand fit Ivory Grips himself back at custom shop
Both Guns are in the white
Custom Shop Order
Customer: Dennis Kies
C.S.: # 3690
P.O.: Employee Sales
Date: 11/20/89
Model # P1840
Quanity: 1
Description: S.A. Army-CP design .45LC, 4 3/4 " bbl.,blue
S/N#: SA73265
Model # P1856
Quanity: 1
Description: S.A. Army-CP Design .45LC, 5 ½" bbl., nickel
S/N# SA73266
Availability: Guns pulled
P1840 (SA90918) 
P1850 (87865SA) Scrap s/n#'s - done
Stocks: One Piece smooth ivory without medallions. (Grips to be shipped under separate cover) OK per A. DeJohn
Case: None
Accessories: None
Other: Consecutive serial numbers: Price- 72.41 Customer requests guns shipped in the white. (OK per A. DeJohn)
Preliminary Sketch and Lamp-Black “pulls” of the engraving.
1 - Original Sketch
27 - Lamp-Black “pulls” of the master engraving by Dennis Kies
Letter to Mr. Horace Greeley IV from Dennis A. Kies dated January, 28th 1991.
Dear Mr. Greeley:
Following are the details of the two engraved single actions (you may rearrange it in whatever manner you choose). 
Two single action army .45LC revolvers , consecutively numbered.
Serial No. SA73265 consists of a 4 ¾" barrel and fluted cylinder, embellished with “B” master engraving, including front sight and hammer, in an American style scroll with a Florentine background.
The barrel contains one 24K gold inlaid band at the muzzle and two 24K gold inlaid bands at the rear which extend around the tube. Both sides of the frame have been bordered with 24K gold and the rear of the cylinder contains two 24K gold bands.
It is fitted with one-piece smooth ivory grips without medallions and scrimshawed with American style scroll. It also bears an engraved gold plated butt-cap (my own original design, now being carried as a stock item by the custom shop, it may be interesting to note that your guns were the first to be designed to sport them). The gun is finished in Royal Blue.
Serial No. SA73266 consists of a 5 ½" barrel and non-fluted cylinder, engraved to match the latter revolver in type “B” master engraving, including front sight and hammer, in an American style scroll with a Florentine background. It is embellished with linecut bands and borders in lieu of the 24K gold inlaid bands and borders. The gun has been finished in nickel plate and bears hear-blue screws, base pin and ejector rod. It is fitted with matching scrimshawed one-piece smooth ivory grips without medallions and an engraved butt-cap that has been finished in nickel plate.
Also enclosed, please find several sheets bearing my letterhead, my preliminary sketch, two sheets containing lamp-back “pulls” of the engraving, a copy of the cashier's check and paperwork pertinent to the original sale of the revolvers.
If there is anything additional you feel you may need, please feel free to contact me immediately.
I apologize again for the extended delays. It has, however, been a great pleasure to have worked with you on this project!
I am very much looking forward to your comments and certainly welcome any criticism you may have. Your total satisfaction is of immeasurable importance to me.
I am always at your service and look forward to hearing from you after your inspection of the guns. 
Dennis A. Kies
Letter to Mr. Horace Greeley IV from Dennis A. Kies dated February, 18th 1991.
Dear Horace:
While employed as a Master Engraver at Colt I purchased two Single Action Army revolvers and subsequently engraved them. The guns were purchased as part of the employee sales and on custom shop order C.S.# 3690 (dated 11/20/89). Both are S.A. Army-CP design, Caliber 45LC, pistols. One pistol, serial number, SA73265, has a 5 ½"bbl. Both guns were delivered in the white with one piece ivory stocks. 
I would like to take this opportunity to describe the work performed on them by me.
SA73265 fluted cylinder with 4 ¾"bbl. Pistol is engraved with about “B” coverage including hammer and front sight in an American style with a Florentine background. The barrel contains 24k gold bands, one at the muzzle and two at the rear, which extend around the tube. The frame as well as the cylinder has been gold bordered with 24K gold bands. The pistol is fitted with one piece smooth ivory stocks which have been scrimshawed with American style scroll. It also bears an engraved gold-plated butt cap (my own design, now being carried as a stock item by Colt). This gun and its companion piece described below were the first to be designed to accept them. Finally the gun was finished in Royal Blue.
SA73266 non-fluted cylinder with 5 ½"bbl. Pistol in engraved with about “B” coverage including hammer and front sight in an American style with a Florentine background. Further embellishment includes line cut bands and borders. The pistol has been finished in nickel with hear blue screws, base pin and ejector rod. Finally, the stocks are scrimshawed, one piece ivory fitted with a nickel plated, engraved butt cap.
I trust this letter satisfies your inquiry regarding these pistols. 
Very truly yours, 
Dennis A. Kies
Magazine Article: Man at ARMS Magazine
Mr. Greeley submitted pictures of these examples to Man at ARMS magazine and they were featured in the centerfold section in volume fourteen, number three may/june 1992.
Included is the negatives of the pictures that Mr. Greeley submitted for publication. 
There is also a pristine copy of the magazine, and a letter of correspondence from Andrew Mowbray (Publisher) and Mr. Greeley dated February 27, 1992.
Letter from Don Wilkerson to last Purchaser:
The following Colt revolvers, serial numbers SA73265 and SA73266, were shipped “in the white” to Colt Master Engraver Dennis Kies with an extra set of one piece stocks. Horace Greeley IV personally ordered these revolvers from the engraver and worked very closely with him to produce an unique set of revolvers. This relationship and close personal contact with the engraver is impossible to duplicate when ordering through normal channels. 
.45 caliber, 4 ¾" barrel, fluted cylinder, full Royal blue finish with one piece scrimshawed ivory stocks. Master engraved with “B” coverage in American scroll with an unique Florentine background, one gold barrel band at the muzzle, a wide and narrow gold barrel band at the breech, wide and narrow gold bands on the rear of the cylinder and the frame outlined in gold. The butt of the revolver is covered by an engraved gold plated butt cap.
.45 caliber, 5 ½" barrel, unfluted cylinder, nickel finish, fire blue screws, cylinder pin and ejector rod head and one piece scrimshawed ivory stocks. It, too, is Master engraved with “B” coverage in American scroll with an unique Florentine background. In place of the gold bands on the frame, barrel and cylinder, the bands are line cut. The butt of the revolver is covered with an engraved nickel plated butt cap.
This interesting set of revolvers is tied together by the caliber; .45 Colt, the coverage and style of engraving, the identical vine scrimshaw pattern on both one piece stocks and butt caps on the stocks.
Interest and contrast are provided by two different barrel lengths, 4 ¾" and 5 ½", fluted and unfluted cylinders, full Royal Blue and nickel finishes and the gold and silver engraved butt caps.
The over-all style of engraving and design places these superb revolvers into the highest category of the engraver's art. Revolvers of this quality are a welcome addition to even the most advanced collection.
Don Wilkerson
Return Policy:
We gladly offer a 3 day unfired inspection policy from the time that the firearm is delivered to your FFL. Refunds are available for all qualifying orders. 

Shipping Details

Handgun Standard Shipping with Insurance $50.00 

Long Gun Standard Shipping with Insurance $70.00

Any orders placed with magazines that are not compliant with your state, county, or city regulations will not ship with your order. 

We strive to ship orders within the close of the following business day after payment and documentation is received.


Payment Details

We accept all forms of Payment including Personal Check, Business Check, PO Money Orders, Certified Check, Etc.

Please note we place a 7 business day hold on shipment, for all non-certified payments.  

Payment MUST be received within 14 days.


Return Policy

We gladly offer a 3 day unfired inspection policy from the time that the firearm is delivered to your FFL. Refunds are available for all qualifying orders. 


Additional Details

Our #1 priority is customer satisfaction. We want to build a lasting trust in the relationship with our customers, so that you will always look to us for all your firearms needs. If you have any issues with your transactions please contact us, and we will work with you to resolve any issues you may have. We greatly appreciate your trust in us and we look forward to fulfilling all your future firearm needs.

Bryant Ridge also reserves the right to cancel any sales that may occur while is experiencing technical issues that affects the entire site or a complete site outage, within an hour of the auction ending.   

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From a small town hobby, to a leader in the investment and collector grade firearms industry. Bryant Ridge Firearms is here to offer the best in quality and customer service when you are looking to unload your collector grade firearm collection.



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